Seasonal Traditions

We at People for Parks love holiday traditions and transitions. Whether it's Halloween going into Thanksgiving, or anytime during this season, there's nothing better than seeing children running around and playing at one of our Community School Parks. Last weekend at our 20th St CSP, we celebrated fall with Dia de Los Muertos activities and lots of fun in costume. 


People for Parks unlocks public school playgrounds on the weekends to hundreds of kids who live in Los Angeles' park-poor areas, and we've been able to do this at a cost of $250 for four hours per park. So, at this time of giving, we are asking you to help us sustain and expand this program at whatever level you can. Consider that child who otherwise has no backyard or park nearby who can go and swing on the swing, play tag and tetherball in a safe, traffic-free environment. 


Donate today and be a part of a movement for joint use of our public school playgrounds, while serving the greater purpose of providing a safe and healthy haven for L.A.'s kids. Underwrite an hour, or a day, at a Community School Park. We're at 30% of our fundraising goal. Any amount is appreciated. It's the season -- so thank you!

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